npm@5 Now Available

npm is now out with its latest version. Starting 31st May 2017 typing

npm install npm@latest -g

will install npm@5. The latest release is aimed at making it

  1. a faster client, as measured by benchmarking and profiling tools available to everyone;
  2. a much improved version of npm-shrinkwrap.json, npm’s lockfile. In particular, shrinkwrap was originally intended to be a finalizing tool used prior to deployment, but we intend the new shrinkwrap to be used for the entire lifecycle of your JavaScript applications;
  3. new tools intended for use with upcoming registry features.

Speed Improvements

The new npm@5 is expected to be 20% – 100% faster as compared to its predecessors.


Level: Intermediate

Technologies: Linux / Unix, Git

post via Codincafe